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Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls

Getting up if you fall

​​If you fall, the first thing to do is stay calm.

Next, check your body for injuries. If you are injured, call for help.

If you are not injured, look for a sturdy piece of furniture, like a chair. Then follow these steps:

1. Roll onto your side.


2. Crawl over to a chair or sturdy furniture.


3. From a kneeling position, put your arms up onto the seat of the chair.


4. Bring 1 knee forward and put that foot on the floor.


5. Push up with your arms and legs, pivot your bottom around.


6. Sit down. Rest before trying to move.


​​Images and accompanying text reproduced with permission: “Don’t fall for it. Falls can be prevented!" State Government of South Australia. 2004. Copyright Commonwealth of Australia.

If you do have a fall, tell your healthcare provider.


Learn more about risk factors for falling.

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Current as of: May 30, 2024

Author: Fall Risk Management Program