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The Rockyview General Hospital has acute care beds. The facility offers a full-range of adult-focused, inpatient and outpatient services.
Wheel chair access available.
Alberta Health Services is committed to supporting patients and families during their most challenging times. To support this, we have removed formal visiting hours for all our Calgary zone hospitals. Visiting hours are based on expressed wishes and care needs of the patient.
7007 14 Street Calgary Alberta T2V 1P9
403-943-3000 (Switchboard)
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Offers assessments and treatments (including rehabilitation) to help older adults with medical problems become independent again. Families are encouraged to be part of the care planning process.
Older adults in acute care meeting program criteria (as assessed by a geriatric specialist team) including:
An estimated wait time will be provided when accepted to the program.
Closed weekends and statutory holidays.
Offers a program which includes the following components:
Adults, 18 years of age and older, experiencing acute addiction and / or mental health concerns that significantly impair their daily functioning.
An estimated wait time will be provided at the time of appointment booking. Dependent on availability.
Closed on weekends and STAT Holdidays.
Provides services to people with long-term intravenous (IV) therapy such as:
Provides services to adult patients only. Eligibility will be assessed by AVAS registered nurses.
Referrals to social work, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech-language pathology and spiritual care will only be considered for a time-limited short service to connect the patient with community services and resources. The purpose of this clinic is to review patient concerns, provide short team interventions and help connect patients to community resources, including education on self-care. The typical sessions offered are in the range of 1 to 3 visits. The service is provided predominantly by virtual means such as phone calls, Zoom meetings, and electronic communications. In-person appointments will be provided for specific and skilled interventions when identified by the service provider. This clinic is unsuitable for patients requiring detailed assessment and follow-up treatments, and for which refer the patient to other suitable ambulatory clinics and community resources. No inter/multi-disciplinary services are available through this clinic.
Service targeted to:
Third party insurance and uninsured clients are not accepted for service.
24-hour on call emergency service.
This service provides:
Physician referral required.
Test is available on an emergency basis, 24 hours/day; 7 days/week.
This service offers:
Usually less than 1 week.
Testing available on an emergency basis 24 hours/day; 7 days/week primarily for inpatients
Provides service to assess the upper and lower airways to help diagnose lung diseases.
An estimated wait time will be provided at the time of appointment booking.
Payment by cash, credit or debit card.
Offers fresh food that people can buy at AHS hospitals and facilities. Vending machines are also available.
Closed on statutory holidays.
Retail Food Services is responsible for all in-house and third party operated consumer food and beverage outlets, vending machines as well as the provision of catering within Alberta Healthcare facilities. The Retail Food Services team is dedicated to providing high quality fresh food and beverages in a friendly manner at competitive prices.
Offers fresh food that people can buy at AHS hospitals and facilities like:
Provides comprehensive respiratory education for patients with COPD, asthma, or smokers at risk. The session is one to one either by phone or Zoom and will take 45 minutes to 60 minutes to complete with a Certified Respiratory Educator. Spirometry is no longer provided.
The Cardiac Function Clinic (CFC) is a multidisciplinary clinic dedicated to the support of Heart Failure (HF) patients who have complex care needs that require close monitoring and / or medication optimization . Care offered includes ongoing physical assessment, management of medical and non-pharmacological treatments, and patient teaching regarding diet, lifestyle and medication management.
Offers follow-up care for patients with implanted cardiac devices.
Conditions include but are not limited to:
Medical cardiology patients needing the following will be limited to the CICU at the Foothills Medical Centre:
All admissions must be approved by the attending cardiologist.
Pay parking using credit card or coins.
This service provides comprehensive diagnostic, assessment, treatment and follow-up services within cardiology subspecialties.
Translation services via language line.
18 years or over.
Cashier services performs financial transactions, including the acceptance of payment for patient fees.
There may be costs for splints, braces or other items not covered by Alberta Health.
The chronic pain consult team:
Hospital inpatients only.
This service provides inpatient care to people for 3 to 6 days after colorectal surgery.
Service is provided to patients who have been admitted by their colorectal surgeon.
Computed tomography, also known as "CT Scan" or "CAT Scan", is when pictures of the body are taken using radiation and computer-enhanced imaging.
A language line is available, but requests need to be made before tests are scheduled.
Closed statutory holidays.
Services may include:
Cares for people before and after general surgery procedures.
Language Line is available upon request at time of care.
You need a referral from a surgeon.
After the birth of your baby, a health care provider will offer to have your baby's hearing screened.
With your consent, your baby's hearing screening will happen before your baby leaves the hospital. The results of your baby's hearing screening and any follow up needed will be shared with you.
Hearing screening is the best way to find out if your baby has hearing loss.
Hearing screening is quick, safe, and will not hurt your baby. Your baby's hearing is important for many areas of child and brain development. Hearing loss can delay your child's speech, learning and social skills.
For more information, visit our website.
All babies born or living in Alberta are offered screening for permanent hearing loss within 90 days of birth. It's best to have your baby's hearing screened before they are 1 month old. Newborn hearing screening is free. Additional eligibility requirements are based on your baby's age and health status. If your baby is born with bilateral aural atresia or presents with meningitis, they will be referred to Audiology Services for a diagnostic ABR assessment.
Your baby will be referred to Community Hearing Screening if:
For more information on screening in the community, see the service type Early Hearing Detection & Intervention (EHDI) Program - Community Hearing Screening.
ROUTINE REFERRAL PROCESSFax completed referral form to site of choice. Please be aware that not all procedures are available at all sites.
18 years of age.
Procedure / exam wait times may be significantly longer in hosptial versus private facitlies
This program provides a specialized treatment for adult and geriatric populations living with depression and / or mood disorders :
This is accomplished by inducing a seizure with physical stimulation to both inpatient and outpatient clients. Typically a series of 12 treatments over 4 weeks would be recommended. Maintenance therapy is also available after a series.
An EEG test is a measurement of the electrical activity of the brain. It takes approximately 60-90 minutes and is performed by a technologist and then interpreted by a neurologist. The test involves the placement of electrodes on your scalp, there is no pain or discomfort involved. We ask that you arrive for your appointment with clean hair with no mousse, gels or hairspray.
The test involves low electrical stimulation of the nerves using electrode stickers or may involve a thin needle to be inserted directly into a muscle which records the electrical activity in that muscle. Testing is performed by a doctor who is assisted by a technologist.
An estimated wait time will be provided at the time the referral is received.
The Psychiatric Emergency Room Outreach (ERO) Team and Psychiatric Outreach Response Team (PORT) offers timely community-based follow-up to clients who are referred by psychiatric emergency services. ERO and PORT are mobile teams, able to meet with client by phone and at times at their homes, allowing them to effectively address client needs.
The services offer emotional or mental health support, intervention and problem solving, education and information for well-being, referral to other services, and clinical follow-up. Clients is in need of further mental health support, will be connected to a longer term service.
If you have an emergency, call 911.
Emergency departments:
Emergency Department wait times are now available for Calgary, Edmonton, Fort McMurray, Grande Prairie, Lethbridge, Medicine Hat and Red Deer.
Get the right care when you need it, to learn more visit Know Your Options
This service may be impacted by the COVID pandemic. View the Hours of Operations to see if the location has been impacted. Visit for up-to-date information.
We can’t predict how long you will need to wait in the emergency department. Patients are assessed (triaged) using a standard scoring system called the Canadian Triage and Acuity Scale (CTAS) to see how urgent their health needs are.
Psychiatric Emergency Services are provided from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM 7 days per week.
See Eligibility field for information on who is eligible for this service.
Alberta Children's Hospital has a Mental Health Inpatient Unit.
Children and adolescents with mental health concerns that impact abilities in daily functioning.
The following locations ONLY provide Mental Health services to adolescents over the age of 14 years:
Wait time varies.
Offers endoscopy procedures for gastrointestinal concerns, which may include:
View patient education videos, visit
The Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) program supports implementation of standardized patient care related to nutrition, mobility after surgery, pain and nausea control, and fluid intake management. We engage patients and make them part of the team by involving them in preparation for their surgery and post-operative recovery. By helping patients stay strong, we can improve outcomes, reduce complications and create a better patient experience.
Before surgery:
During surgery:
After surgery:
For more information, visit the Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) website.
Emergency service provided by the Ophthalmologist on call.
Diagnostic services offered:
Sub-specialty diagnostic services and treatments offered:
Rockyview Hospital Eye Clinic is referral based only. Ophthalmologist on call for urgent care can be paged.
Wait time varies. Typically for a few months for speciality clinics.
Out of Country fees may apply.
Fluoroscopy is a real time x-ray like a video, which is used by physicians and staff to assist imaging throughout the body during exams.
Service available, but must be arranged ahead of time
Pay parking using credit card or coins available.
Closed on statutory holiddays.
Provides assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up care for client's needing the care of an internal medicine specialist.
Eligibility will be reviewed by a registered nurse and physician at the Calgary Zone GIM CAT
Urgent 1 - 2 weeks
Semi-urgent 2 - 8 weeks
Routine 8 - 40 weeks
Assesses patients who need to be seen by an Internal Medicine specialist on an urgent basis.
Triaged urgent assessment patients will be seen in 1-2 weeks.
Offers care on an inpatient basis including assessing, diagnosing, and treating many types of medical problems.
Closed weekends and all statutory holidays.
The General Neurology Clinics offers assessment and treatment for neurological conditions and disorders.
Service provided includes:
LanguageLine Solutions Available in Clinic with advanced notice.
Referrals will be reviewed and triaged through Neurology Central Access and Triage (NCAT).
All referrals to neurology are to be made through Neurology Central Access and Triage (NCAT). Referrals to neurologists not involved with NCAT should be sent directly to their private offices.
Referrals will be triaged and assigned to the most appropriate neurology clinic (e.g. general neurology clinic versus a subspecialty clinic). Sometimes NCAT referrals will be returned to the referring physician requesting more information or suggesting a specific clinical pathway to be tried prior to referral.
All patients seen by a Neurologist belonging to NCAT within 3 years will be referred directly to the same neurologist when possible.
Must be 18 years old or older.
Closed on Statutory Holidays.
This service provides diagnostic, assessment, treatment, and follow-up care services for:
Offers teaching activities for respiratory clients. Services include:
Eligibility is dependent on testing done by the referring physician.
General Radiography uses x-rays to produce images of the structures inside the body, particularly bones. X-ray beams can pass through the body, but they are absorbed in different amounts depending on the density of the material they pass through.
The patient is admitted to a general surgery inpatient unit for one or more nights.
Interpretation and Translation Services available.
Provides short-term follow-up for recently discharged clients of the Rockyview Hospital and Carewest Glenmore Mental Health Recovery and Rehabilitation Unit. The goal of the follow-up is to help clients enter back into the community.
Services provided include:
Age 65 +
Open holidays from 11:30 PM - 3:30 PM
A hospital boutique featuring a wide selection of gifts, snacks and toiletries for sale. At The Red Thread Gift Shop your gift gives twice! Proceeds of sales support programs that focus on patient care and comfort as well as the purchase of new patient focused equipment.
Cares for women or people with female anatomy after they have had gynecologic surgery (e.g., hysterectomy, bladder repair, fibroid removal).
Women/ people are admitted to the unit by a surgeon.
This program provides assessment and treatment for injuries as recommended by the health care team.
There may be a cost for splints or other items not covered by Alberta Healthcare Insurance.
Completes patient charts, collects data, data entry and coding, collects patient information, dictates notes, and transcribes inpatient and outpatient charts.
There is a fee for copies of health records.
Provides hemodialysis treatments (a process where the client's blood is passed through a special filter that removes waste products and water). Most people need 3 treatments every week. Each treatment lasts 4 hours.
Closed January 1, December 25 and December 26.
Provides intravenous (IV) antibiotics at home. Healthcare providers teach clients and caregivers how to use an IV pump to give the antibiotics.
Portion of tubing and dressing supplies and home medications.
To access contact information and a list of services offered, select a hospital.
Search through a complete list of progams and services, or hospital and facility information with the following:
Find Healthcare:
These services are not available on evenings and weekends. At these times, please contact the social worker at the hospital.
This program provides:
This service is available on-site in hospitals and public health centres. Upon request, staff can be present at hospital rounds, medical appointments, and case conferences.
Indigenous Hospital Support Staff also gather traditional medicines, educate about ceremonial protocol, and are available to healthcare staff for consultation on a diverse range of Indigenous patient issues.
Patients and clients may also be asked about their healthcare experience to help ensure they receive the best possible healthcare.
First Nations (Status and Non-Status), Metis and Inuit people and their families.
Provides consultation services for older adults with medical problems, including:
Adults ages 65 years and older.
Rural hospital inpatients are seen for instrumental oropharyngeal swallowing assessment by speech-language pathology (SLP) at the Foothills Medical Centre (FMC) and the Rockyview General Hospital (RGH).
Note: Bariatric patients are only seen at FMC.
For inpatients at rural hospital sites requiring an instrumental swallow assessment by an SLP for suspected oropharyngeal dysphagia.
As part of the Critical Care Medicine Department, this service provides intensive care for all patients, including trauma and neurosciences.
Interventional Radiography is a sub-specialty of Diagnostic Imaging (radiology) that uses imag-guided procedures for both therapeutic and diagnostic Purposes. Interventional radiography can be done using x-ray, CT, Ultrasound or MRI images and are done to diagnose and treat disease in almost every organ system.
Angiography, which is a diagnostic imaging procedure that uses a radio-opaque dye and a specialized x-ray camera to take pictures of the blood flow in specific blood vessels (arteries or veins) or blood flow within the heart itself. Sometimes treatments are done during an angiogram.
Monday to Friday 6:30 AM - 4:00 PM.
This lab will serve hospital inpatient, Ambulatory Clinic patients, by physician or clinic referral only.
Alternate Patient Service Centres offer both appointment and walk-in services for all patients that require lab work.
Laboratory Services provides collection of blood and body fluids for tests ordered by your doctor or healthcare provider including a comprehensive range of routine and specialized lab testing and clinical consultations:
Note: Some locations may not offer the full range of testing. To confirm availability of a specific test, contact the location.
24 / 7 care for pregnant women and newborn babies, which includes:
A physician / midwife referral is needed.
Low risk care provided at Canmore, High River hospitals.
Low risk and high risk care provided at Foothills, Peter Lougheed, Rockyview, and South Health Campus hospitals.
Highest risk, tertiary care provided at Foothills Medical Centre.
On call coverage after hours.
MRI scanners use strong magnetic fields and radiowaves to form images of the body. The technique is widely used in hospitals for medical diagnosis, staging of disease and for follow-up without exposure to ionizing radiation.
Used for many exams, including: head, spine, heart, bone / joints, and abdomen.
Medical Cardiology inpatient unit that serves a patient population that traverses the life span to include young adults, middle adult and older age groups. Admissions include but are not limited to:
Clients admitted under Cardioloogy who meet the criteria for needing cardiac services.
Parking services are offered 24 hours at the hospital.
This service supports Rockyview General Hospital (RGH) internal medicine physicians in discharging patients with pending lab/ diagnostics or those anticipating or awaiting new referrals post discharge to ensure continuity and safe follow up care.
Clinic visits may include:
Referrals are only accepted from Rockyview General Hospital Internal medicine physicians.
Contact for details. Clinics are held on a monthly basis.
This clinic is a monthly clinic designed to provide evaluation, diagnosis, and recommendations for management of adult patients in Alberta with any of the following:
This clinic does not provide services:
Adults 18 years and older:
The service includes:
Southern Alberta Neonatal Transport Service (neonatal transport team serves southern Alberta) only available at the Foothills Medical Centre
For babies 24 hours and younger that require intensive care.
Closed weekends and all statutory holidays. Parking services are offered 24 hours at the hospital.
This service helps people who have, or are at risk of getting, chronic kidney disease by:
All referrals are managed through the Nephrology Centralized Referral Service by fax.
Referrals to this clinic are only accepted from a nephrologist.
Closed on weekends and Statutory Holidays
Patient care objectives:
Provide collaborative care to patients with neurological infections by facilitating concurrent evaluation by infectious disease specialists and neurologists.
Arrange and expedite, as necessary, diagnostic testing (i.e. specialized neurological imaging, specialized infectious disease testing, lumbar puncture, brain biopsy) and treatment.
Refer patients for additional consultation and rehabilitation as needed and depending on available community resources.
There is a 1 to 2 month wait list
Closed on weekends and statutory holidays.
Provides services for people with infectious diseases, including:
Referral from a physician is required.
Adults with suspected or confirmed infectious diseases.
On-call services available on weekends from 8:00am - 4:00pm.
Clients swallow, inhale, or are given a needle with a radiotracer before their exam. Radiotracers go to a specific body part so the camera can take pictures. (tests may take a number of hours to complete; patients may be required to return later that day or the next day to complete exam).
Radiotracers are also given to treat diseases like thyroid disease.
A multidisciplinary team provides care for orthopedic patients including:
For more information visit our website.
Referrals are not to be made directly to the unit. Patients must be admitted by an orthopedic surgeon or other doctor.
Wait time varies and is dependent on surgeon availability.
This service includes the following:
As part of our support for patient care and comfort, friends and family of inpatients at hospital and health care facilities can send well wishes via email. Sites participating in the program will receive the message, will ensure that the message is only "well-wish" (any other type of communication will be deleted) and will arrange for delivery within 3 business days. A couple of important reminders - the electronic delivery system is not a secure connection, so please don't add any confidential information to your message. Plus the "well-wish" system does not allow for replies or confirm receipt / delivery confirmation.
General hours of meal service:
Breakfast: 7:30 AM - 9:30 AM
Lunch: 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Supper: 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
Patient Food Services overarching objectives are to:
PFS delivers more than 31,000 patient/resident meals each day within AHS facilities.
Services offered:
This program services to adults (minimum 18 years or older) with acute or chronic disorders of the musculoskeletal system. This could include neurological disorders affecting the musculiskeletal system. The goal of this program is to restore maximum function lost through injury, illness, or disabling conditions. The physician may provide pain management techniques such as:
There is an approximate 3 - 6 month wait for this service.
Services provided may include:
4 to 6 weeks for elective surgeries. Clients having urgent surgery are seen sooner.
Services provided to clients and families by Psychiatric Emergency Services (PES) may also include:
The Psychiatric Transition Clinic (PTC) is a bridging service offered by Rockyview General Hospital (RGH) psychiatrists. This service offers clients:
This is not an urgent or crisis service.
Offers services for people who have serious, ongoing mental health concerns, including:
For adults and older adults with serious, ongoing mental health concerns.
Wait times vary.
Clinic provides diagnostic procedures for lung conditions such as:
A doctor's referral is required.
Referring Doctors are encouraged to go through PCAT (Pharmacy College Admission Test) or ATOP (Alberta Thoracic Oncology Program).
Adult patients over the age of 18.
Varies depends on specialty and triage priority.
Emergency is 24 / 7
Patient Registration registers:
Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) is a therapeutic medical procedure that was approved by Health Canada in 2002 for the treatment of psychiatric disorders, such as major depression. rTMS is a non-invasive treatment which uses a specifically designed magnetic coil to apply stimulation to target areas in the brain. The treatment utilizes powerful and focused magnetic field pulses to stimulate the neurons in the brain.
The goals for rTMS are to:
Services include:
Closed all statutory holidays.
Language Line is available for all non-english speaking patients.
This service provides a team-based approach for multidisciplinary, consultative advice on assessment, diagnosis and development of treatment management plans of adults age 65 or older with issues relating to medical complexity, frailty and chronic disease, functional decline, cognitive impairment, dementia or falls. Referrals for advice on dementia management challenges, complex chronic disease management, decline in functional status, delirium, disruptive behavior, frailty, frequency of falls; pre-op evaluation; review of complex medication issues.
Ages 65 and older..
This service works individually with patients, groups and/or families to:
Language Line and translation available as required.
Referral is usually through the care team or patients and families can request to see a social worker while attending hospital.
For community dwelling older adults who are currently followed by a geriatrician WITHIN a Calgary Zone Seniors Health Clinic (i.e., Bridgeland Seniors Health Clinic or Rockyview General Hospital Seniors Health Clinic). We are UNABLE to accept referrals from the community.
Older adults ages 65 and older. Only Seniors Health Clinic referrals accepted.
Within 6 months.
Service is available to hospital inpatients and their families in emergency situations 24/7.
Provision of spiritual health care by clinically trained Spiritual Health Practitioners to patients and families across diverse spiritual, religious, cultural, and philosophical values, beliefs, and practices.
Spirituality is a dimension of health. A Spiritual Health Practitioner (SHP) is a member of the health care team that can help you understand your unique health journey in light of your personal beliefs, values, relationships and experiences. Spiritual healthcare is confidential, inclusive, compassionate, and respectful and SHPs are skilled in providing philosophical, spiritual, and religious patient care across beliefs, cultural perspectives, and practices. They address spiritual distress (experiences of loss of meaning and connection in relation to yourself, to others and to what you understand as greater) and promote spiritual well-being (connection in relation to yourself, to others and to what you understand as greater).
A SHP will listen compassionately and work with you to determine the support you want and need. Services may include the following:
Remote Language Interpretation service is available
Stress Testing:
These services include:
Weekend on-call coverage via 403-212-8223 pager 07333.
Patient in acute care facility in the Calgary Zone who will require medically necessary support upon discharge
Outpatient services are generally not available at this location.
Ultrasound is an imaging test that captures images of soft tissue organs, blood vessels and tissues using high-frequency sound waves (no radiation). Ultrasound is also known as sonography.
Not all tests are offered at all sites. Call the location for more information.
Not open statutory holidays or weekends.
The Urgent Neurology Clinic provides urgent access and assessment service for patients with new or rapidly progressing neurological symptoms, which can or should no longer be managed by a patient's primary care team.
Please see the Urgent Neurology Clinic website for more information.
Patient's have symptoms that are new and / or getting worse over days or weeks.
The Urgent Neurology Clinic provides service for adult patients with a new, acute neurological problem requiring an outpatient neurology consultation within 1 week.
Urgent Psychiatric Consultation Clinic (UPCC) is a single session consultation which forwards recommendations to the family physician for implementation. Prescriptions will not be provided by the consulting psychiatrist.
Assessments are done for clinical purposes only and are not for forensic, legal, union, insurance or WCB purposes. Reports are for the clinical use of the referring physician and are not to be released to third parties.
No capacity assessments are done in this clinic.
Eligibility requirements include:
Closed Weekends and Statutory Holidays
Our volunteer roles share a commitment to improving the quality of the patient and family experience.
Volunteers are:
For general information about volunteering with AHS please visit our website.