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Advance Care Planning


Conversations Matter: An advance care planning guidebook

The advance care planning guidebook Conversations Matter was developed by Alberta Health Services. It’s available in the following languages:

Advance care planning checklist

Use this checklist to help you know if you’ve covered all the parts of your advance care plan or if you still have more to plan and think about.

  • I have thought about my values and wishes and healthcare goals.
  • I have thought about organ and tissue donation. I have told my family what I want to do, and I have registered my donation intent on Alberta’s Organ and Tissue Donation Registry.
  • I have asked my healthcare provider(s) about my current health and what future healthcare decisions I might need to make.
  • I have made a personal directive and named my decision-maker (agent).
  • I have spoken to my decision-maker (agent) about my wishes and given them a copy of my personal directive.
  • I have discussed my healthcare treatment wishes with the people who are closest to me.
  • My doctors and I have discussed the Goals of Care Designation that best fits my current situation.
  • I have a Green Sleeve to hold my documents (including my personal directive and Goals of Care Designation order). My Green Sleeve is in a place that’s easy to find, such as on or near my fridge.
  • Whenever I go to the hospital or a healthcare appointment, I will bring my Green Sleeve with me.

Where to learn more

Use the following resources to learn more about advance care planning, prepare for important conversations, and make your plan when you’re ready.

Office of the Public Guardian and Tr​ustee (OPGT)
The OPGT supports people who need help to make, or who can’t make, personal and financial decisions for themselves.

Personal Directive
This Government of Alberta website gives you step-by-step instructions for writing your personal directive.

Enduring Powers of Attorney
This Government of Alberta website tells you about this legal agreement that lets someone you trust make financial and legal decisions on your behalf.

CPR Decision Aid (video)
This video can help you learn more about the risks, benefits, and what could happen from doing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and help you decide if it’s right for you.

Advance Care Planning Canada
This website is a resource for advance care planning in Canada. It helps all Canadians think about and talk about the kind of health and personal care they would want in the future if they couldn’t speak for themselves. It also provides printable workbooks and quick guides to help you make your plan.

Plan Well Guide
Plan Well Guide is a free, advance serious illness planning tool. The Plan Well Guide can help you learn how serious illness decisions are made. You’ll learn about how important your values and preferences are in making those decisions. This guide can help you make a plan that clearly let’s others, like your doctor, family, and substitute decision-maker, know what you want for your care. By doing your serious illness planning ahead of time, you’re more likely to get the medical care that’s right for you. It can also lower the stress and anxiety your family member’s will have if they need to make life or death decisions for you.

Alberta Organ and Tissue Donation Registry
Organ and tissue donation is an end-of-life care option and an important part of advance care planning. Learn all about becoming a donor, giving your permission (consent), and how donation works. Then you can register yourself as a donor online.

Be prepared in the time of COVID-19
During COVID-19, your health can change suddenly without any warning. Find out what to think about and prepare for in case you or your family member gets sick from COVID-19.

What if I get seriously ill with COVID-19?
If you get seriously ill from COVID-19, you may need life-support treatments like being put on a ventilator. Learn about these life-support treatments to help you plan ahead and think about your wishes in case you get very sick.

Advance Care Planning: A gift to your family
A former AHS palliative care nurse living with cancer talks about advance care planning—a positive way of sharing your voice and having your wishes and values known.​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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