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Early Concussion Education

Screen Time

Why should you limit your screen time?

  • You may have trouble with your vision after a concussion.
  • Trying to focus on a TV or computer screen can increase symptoms as the brightness from the screen can impact light sensitivity and headaches
  • Using tablets, cell phones, and laptops, can make headaches worse because looking down at them can strain your neck.
  • When you move your eyes back and forth across the screen, you may increase symptoms of dizziness, nausea and vertigo
Screen Time

Strategies for Screen Use

  • Take breaks often when using screens.
  • Limit the amount of time you spend watching TV, using a phone or tablet.
  • Start with 5 minutes of screen time, then slowly add more as long as your symptoms don’t get worse.
  • Dim the lighting on your screen if possible.
  • Use a colour overlay to dim and cover up the brightness of the screen. You can use coloured plastic sheets that you can see through. They’re used in school as report covers or dividers. You can buy these at your local office supply store. You can also find online resources for “coloured overlays” and more information online for “computer vision syndrome”.
  • You can also try free apps to change your screen colour.
  • Use good posture when sitting in front of a screen. Keep a straight spine and don’t bend your head down to look at the screen. ​