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Alcohol: Drinking and Your Health

Topic Overview

No amount or form of alcohol is good for your health. Drinking alcohol can put you at higher risk of many serious health problems including heart disease, stroke, and 7 types of cancers. It can also impact your relationships, your job, and other important areas of your life.

If you choose to drink alcohol, try to drink less. It's important to remember that drinking alcohol is not risk-free.

Lowering Your Risk From Drinking

How can you reduce your risk of harm from alcohol?

If you drink, try to drink less. Canadian health experts say that your risk of harm from alcohol is: footnote 1

  • Low if you have 2 standard drinks or less per week.
  • Moderate if you have between 3 and 6 drinks per week.
  • High if you have 7 or more drinks per week.

Having more than 2 drinks in one sitting increases your risk of harm to yourself and others.

Keep in mind that things like age, sex, weight, and health history can cause alcohol to affect people differently.

When is it okay for young people to start drinking?

Young people should wait as long as possible to drink alcohol. Follow the laws for the legal drinking age where you live. Drinking at a younger age can affect a young person's general health, physical growth, emotional development, ability to make good decisions, and schoolwork.

Parents can play a key part in teaching their children how to drink safely and responsibly. For more information on youth and drinking, visit Youth Substance Use: Information for Parents.

Who should not drink alcohol at all?

Don't drink alcohol if:

  • You're pregnant or trying to get pregnant. Alcohol can harm the developing baby (fetus). Alcohol can pass from the mother's blood into the baby's blood. It can damage and affect the growth of the baby's cells. Experts don't know if any amount of alcohol is safe to drink during pregnancy.
  • You breastfeed your child. If you choose to drink, breastfeed just before you drink alcohol. And wait to breastfeed at least 2 hours after you have a drink to reduce the amount of alcohol the baby may get in the milk.
  • You're taking over-the-counter or prescription medicines that interact with alcohol, such as acetaminophen (Tylenol), antibiotics, and antihistamines.
  • You plan to drive or operate tools or machinery.
  • You plan to play sports or take part in physical activities.
  • You're taking care of someone or supervising others.
  • You need to make important decisions.

Talk to your doctor about whether drinking alcohol is a good choice for you. And if it is, ask how much is okay.

Health Risks of Alcohol

What are the health risks of drinking alcohol?

When you drink alcohol, you may be putting your health and safety at risk. Your risk of harm increases with each drink that you have.

Drinking alcohol may:

  • Harm your liver, pancreas, nervous system, heart, and brain.
  • Cause high blood pressure, depression, stomach problems, or sexual problems.
  • Contribute to the development of some cancers, such as cancers of the mouth, throat, esophagus, liver, colon, and breast.
  • Cause memory loss and affect your ability to think, learn, and reason.
  • Cause harm to your developing baby (fetus) if you drink during pregnancy.
  • Lead to problems at work, school, or home.
  • Increase the risk of car crashes and violent behaviour.
  • Cause you to develop alcohol use disorder.

Problem Drinking

How much drinking is too much?

It can sometimes be hard to know when you begin to drink too much.

Research shows that drinking any amount of alcohol can have risks. If you drink, try to drink less. Your risk of harm from alcohol is low if you have 2 drinks or less per week, moderate if you have 3 to 6 drinks per week, and high if you have 7 or more drinks per week.

What are some signs of alcohol use disorder?

One of the signs of alcohol use disorder is that you keep drinking even though you know your drinking is causing problems in your life. Another sign that you might have a problem is if you often have a strong need or craving to drink.

Here are some other signs:

  • You can't control how much you drink. For example, you find it hard to stop drinking after you have started. Or you find it hard to keep from drinking (abstain) for as long as a few hours.
  • You drink in the morning.
  • You are often drunk for long periods of time.
  • You drink alone.
  • You don't remember what you did while you were drinking (blackouts).
  • You have tried to cut back on the amount you drink or to stop drinking, but you haven't been able to.
  • You have problems at work or school because of your drinking. Problems may include finding it hard to concentrate, being late, or just not going in to work or school some days.
  • You get into arguments after you've been drinking, and then you later regret the things you said or did.
  • You have legal problems because of your drinking, such as being arrested for harming someone or driving while drunk.
  • You have withdrawal symptoms when you stop drinking, especially in the morning. These include sweating and feeling sick to your stomach, feeling shaky, and feeling anxious.
  • You need to drink more to get the same effect.
  • You make excuses for your drinking. Or you do things to hide your drinking, such as buying alcohol at different stores.
  • You give up other activities so you can drink.
  • You keep drinking even though it harms your relationships and causes health problems.
  • If you think you might have a problem with alcohol, take the short quiz: CAGE Questionnaire for Alcohol Use Disorder.

What kind of help is available if you think you have alcohol use disorder?

Some people who want to cut back on or stop drinking are able to do so on their own. But others may need help.

If you want to cut back on or stop drinking, ask your family, friends, or doctor for help. Or join a support group such as LifeRing or Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). Your family members might want to attend a support group such as Al-Anon or Alateen. You can also contact your provincial nurse advice line (811 in most provinces and territories).

To get some tips on how to cut back on drinking, see:

If you're still finding it hard to cut back on or stop drinking on your own, or if these support services don't help, you may need medical help. This is especially important if you have withdrawal symptoms when you try to cut back on or stop drinking. Symptoms of withdrawal may include sweating and feeling sick to your stomach, feeling shaky, and feeling anxious.

Talk to your doctor about treatment options. You and your doctor can decide what treatment approach is best for you.

Treatment approaches

Some treatment approaches may involve:

  • Outpatient or inpatient care to help you cut back on or stop drinking. These programs provide education and individual, family, and group counselling. They may also provide medical care to help reduce your craving for alcohol and manage withdrawal symptoms.
  • Counselling that helps you to:
    • Learn to change your thoughts and actions that make you more likely to use alcohol. A counsellor teaches you ways to deal with cravings and cut back on or stop drinking (cognitive behavioural therapy).
    • Resolve mixed feelings about cutting back on or stopping drinking and getting treatment. A counsellor helps you find personal motivation to change (motivational interviewing).
    • Set goals on how to cut back on or stop drinking in short counselling sessions (brief intervention therapy).
    • Keep your drinking at low-risk levels or not start drinking again.
  • In-home medical care. In some provinces, you may be able to get medical care at home to help reduce your craving for alcohol and manage withdrawal symptoms.
  • A managed alcohol program. In some cities, people who are homeless and have struggled with severe alcohol use disorder for many years and haven't been able to stay sober despite getting treatment may be able to take part in a managed alcohol program. This type of program offers people a place to stay while they get treatment.
  • Medicines to help reduce your craving for alcohol and manage withdrawal symptoms.

If you feel that you have alcohol use disorder, get help. The earlier you get help, the easier it will be to cut back on or stop drinking.

Harm-Reduction Strategies

What can you do to reduce your risk of harm from drinking?

If you choose to drink, here are some things you can do to reduce your risk of harm:

  • Have a meal or a snack with your drink. Don't drink on an empty stomach.
  • Drink slowly. Don't have more than 2 standard drinks in one sitting.
  • Have a glass of water or non-alcoholic, caffeine-free beverage (such as a soft drink or fruit juice) between drinks.
  • Avoid risky situations and activities. Don't drink and drive, and don't get in a car with a driver who has been drinking.
  • Don't take over-the-counter or prescription medicines that interact with alcohol, such as acetaminophen (Tylenol), antibiotics, and antihistamines.
  • Limit how much you drink.

What are some tips for a healthy lifestyle?

Here are some things you can do to stay healthy:

  • Be active. Try to get 30 minutes of activity or more on most days of the week. Being active not only helps you stay healthy and strong but can also help you better deal with stress and anxiety.
  • Get enough sleep. Sleep is important for your physical and emotional health. Sleep may help you stay healthy by keeping your immune system strong. Getting enough sleep can help your mood and make you feel less stressed. Your drinking habits can affect how well you sleep. Even though a little alcohol can make you feel sleepy before bedtime, it can affect the quality of your sleep. So it's best not to drink alcohol before bedtime.
  • Eat a balanced diet. Vegetables and fruits, whole grain foods, and protein foods are part of a healthy diet.



  1. Paradis C, et al. (2023). Canada's guidance on alcohol and health: Final report. Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction. Accessed February 15, 2023.


Adaptation Date: 2/23/2024

Adapted By: Alberta Health Services

Adaptation Reviewed By: Alberta Health Services

Adapted with permission from copyrighted materials from Healthwise, Incorporated (Healthwise). This information does not replace the advice of a doctor. Healthwise disclaims any warranty and is not responsible or liable for your use of this information. Your use of this information means that you agree to the Terms of Use. How this information was developed to help you make better health decisions.