NEW: Express access to COVID-19 vaccine record is now available.

The Network showcases trusted, easy-to-use health and wellness resources from Alberta Health Services and Alberta-based partner organizations. The network is led by, Alberta’s source for consumer health information. Our partners are committed to helping Albertans better manage their health and wellbeing. Health experts across Alberta make sure that the information on these sites is accurate and up-to-date. Our partners include Network

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Poison and Drug Information

Safety and prevention

Preventing poisoning is important. Know the dangers and take steps to be safe. This includes:

  • where and how you store cleaners and chemicals in your home
  • what to do when you find toxins outside or at the playground

If you think you’ve had an exposure to a substance you’re not sure about call the Poison and Drug Information Service (PADIS). In Alberta, call 1-800-332-1414 anytime day or night.

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