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International Travelers

You must immediately isolate and get tested for COVID-19.

ACTION: You must isolate pending your test result. Visit for further information on next steps following the test result.

  • Do not visit a hospital, lab or healthcare facility without consulting Health Link (811) first.
  • Don't go to any public places.
  • Stay at home, and don’t have any visitors.
  • Don’t share personal items like dishes, utensils, or towels.
  • Wash your hands often.
  • Avoid close contact with other people, especially those with chronic conditions, a compromised immune system, or seniors (over 65 years of age).

People who travel to Canada, regardless of citizenship, need to follow testing and quarantine requirements to keep Canadians safe.

ACTION: Please fill in and submit the following information to proceed with booking a COVID-19 test.


Testing will tell you whether you have COVID-19 at the time of your test, even if you are not showing symptoms. Testing will not tell you whether you have previously had COVID-19. It will also not tell you whether or not you have any immunity to COVID-19.

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