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Register for an online session to learn about your child's development, health, and wellness.

Most of these sessions are hosted live by pediatric rehab healthcare providers. This means you can see, hear, and ask questions during the session.

These sessions are offered at many da​tes and times and are free. Check out which ones are right for you.​

If you have trouble registering for a webinar, you can email childrenyouthhealth@ahs.ca and someone will help you.

Once you register for a webinar, yo​u’ll be sent a link to connect on the date and time of the session. You can join a webinar using your computer, laptop, or any device that connects to the internet.​

Search upcoming webinars

Current as of: March 10, 2025
Author: Pediatric Rehabilitation Services, Alberta Health Services
Rehabilitation Advice Line

Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.



Our work takes place on historical and contemporary Indigenous lands, including the territories of Treaty 6, Treaty 7 & Treaty 8 and the homeland of the Métis Nation of Alberta and 8 Métis Settlements. We also acknowledge the many Indigenous communities that have been forged in urban centres across Alberta.