Adults born in 1970 or later need 2 doses of measles and mumps vaccine.
If you were born before 1970, you likely do not need this vaccine. That is because there is a high chance you had contact with measles and mumps when you were younger. Your body remembers these viruses and knows how to fight them.
You may need extra protection if you have a high risk of contact because of where you work, where you travel, or what you study (if you are a student).
If you are born before 1970 and are:
- a healthcare worker or a post-secondary healthcare student, you need 2 doses of a measles and mumps vaccine
- a post-secondary student (not in healthcare), you need 1 dose of a measles and mumps vaccine
- travelling outside of Canada or to areas within Canada where measles is spreading, you need 1 dose of a measles vaccine