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Wheel chair access available.
3420 43 Avenue Edmonton Alberta T6L 5W9
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Parking and Public transportation available
Services may be provided individually or in a group and include:
Participation in recovery will be encouraged at home and in the clinic.
Physiotherapists are movement specialists who are trained to help people participate in their daily activities by helping them improve function and manage their pain and concerns.
Adults who meet specific criteria may be eligible for AHS physiotherapy services through AHS.
This service is provided by Alberta Health Services and Alberta Health Services contracted service providers.
Children or Adults who have had a hip or knee replacement within the last 12 weeks. AHS must approve care that is required to start later than 12 weeks.
An estimated wait time will be provided at the time of appointment booking.
Initial assessment and set treatment visits will be covered by AHS for those who meet the service eligibility criteria.
Home exercise and specialty equipment/supplies are not funded through this program.
Individual Services Only
*Group services are not available at all locations, please confirm your preference at the time of booking your assesssment.
Children or Adults who:
Have had a hip or knee replacement within the last 12 weeks. AHS must approve care that is required to start later than 12 weeks.