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Colposcopy video series

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​A colposcopy is a test that allows your doctor to get a close-up look at your vulva, vagina, and the opening of your uterus, called the cervix. It’s a quick and easy way to look for cell changes that may, or ma​​y not, turn into cancer.

Watch the 3 videos below to h​elp you understand what a colposcopy is, what to expect during and after, and what results and treatment options may include.

Video 1: What is a colposcopy and why do I need one? (2:56)

Understand why you may have been asked to get a colposcopy test. Find out what it means when your Pap test results show that you have abnormal cells.

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Video 2: What to expect during a colposcopy appointment (6:07)

Find out what you’ll need to bring to your appointment, what happens during the test, and what to expect after.


Video 3: Colposcopy results and treatment options (2:39)

It can take several weeks to get your results. Watch this video to help you understand what results are possible and what this may mean for you.

If certain abnormal cells are found during your colposcopy, your doctor may ask you to return to have them treated and removed. To find out more about this to go: Excisional biopsy for abnormal cervical cell changes.

Printable handouts:


More information

To find out more about colposcopy, go to or speak with your healthcare provider. For more information on cervical screening go to Screening for life.

For 24/7 nurse advice and general health information call Health Link at 811. If you need an interpreter, just say the language you need.


Current as of: December 4, 2023

Author: Cancer Screening Programs, Alberta Health Services