Health Information and Tools > Health A-Z >  Returning to Your Home after a Flood: Services that can help

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Returning to Your Home after a Flood

Services that can help

Health and safety questions

If you have questions or need advice about health and safety after a flood, contact Alberta Health Services Environmental Public Health.


If you have insurance:

  • Contact your insurance company or broker as soon as possible.
  • Take pictures of all damage.
  • Check with your local city or town (municipality) office if they have more information about making insurance claims after a flood.

Restoration contractors

When you work through your insurance company, they’ll have approved restoration contractors.

For information about choosing a private contractor, questions about your contract, or help with getting services, contact Service Alberta.

Other services and organizations

Many organizations offer help and emergency services to people after a flood.

Visit Help in Tough Times to learn more.

Current as of: May 9, 2024

Author: Safe Healthy Environments, Alberta Health Services