Having depression makes it hard to find hope that things can get better.
But the truth is, many people-people just like you-have worked through depression and are enjoying life again. Guest Voice 1: "I had to stop thinking about 'beating' depression and start thinking about it like a journey.
Depression was a learning experience. I had to really learn about myself to get to a place where I felt free." Guest Voice 2: "I decided to do things that I really liked to do, and I learned to do new things too.
It was satisfying to create something. I never thought small things could turn out to be so positive. I was just going with something that brought me joy." Guest Voice 3: "I finally started seeing the good in my life instead of the bad. Seeing everything I had instead of everything I didn't. And seeing everything I'd done instead of all the ways I'd failed." Guest Voice 4: "The first medication I tried upset my stomach and messed up my sleep. But I kept at it and tried different medicines until I found one that worked without those problems."
Guest Voice 5: "It's taken a while and it's been a real battle at times, but it is possible to outsmart and overcome the negative voice.
It feels really good to silence it. Knowing that I'm in charge of my future made the difference." Guest Voice 6: "I avoided taking medication for a long time. I didn't want to have to take pills to make me happy. But when I started taking them, the change was dramatic. I felt that I finally had a stable place to deal with my life. I feel like myself again."
Guest Voice 7: "Therapy was incredible-it really helped.
Having someone not connected to me-somebody 'neutral'-helped me see how some things I was telling myself were feeding my depression." Guest Voice 8: "With treatment my drinking problem faded, I was able to connect with friends again, and I had energy to do things I had been putting off. It's like the sun is shining for the first time in years." People with depression have found a way to turn things around...and you will too.