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Safety when you’re taking a potential or reproductive hazard medicine

Having sex, getting pregnant, breastfeeding

​​​​​​​​​​​​Is it safe for me to get pregnant or get someone pregnant?

Some potential and reproductive hazard medicine​​s may affect unborn babies while they are developing. If it's possible for you to get pregnant or get someone else pregnant, talk to your healthcare provider about birth control.

Is it safe for me to breastfeed?

Talk to your healthcare provider before you breastfeed if you're taking a potential or reproductive hazard medicine.

Ideally, a caregiver who is pregnant or breastfeeding should not handle any potential or reproductive hazard medicine. If they have to handle it, the caregiver should:

  • always wear disposable gloves
  • wash their hands with soap and water before putting on the disposable gloves and after taking them off
  • talk to their own healthcare provider​

Current as of: June 24, 2022

Author: Provincial Hazardous Medication Committee, Alberta Health Services