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Your Dashboard provides access to your account settings, Alberta.ca Account Verification, notifications, support and the ability to Sign Out.

When you log into MyHealth Records for the first time, you'll arrive at the MyHealth Records Dashboard. At the top of the screen, there's a privacy message that talks about keeping your information safe. It's a reminder to sign out of your account and close your web browser when you're finished with MyHealth Records. Just click on the "X" to close the message.

At the upper-right corner of the page, you'll find the "MyHealth Apps" tool. When you click on this tool, you can choose from the following options: My Personal Records or MyAHS Connect.

Please note options may vary based on an individual’s available results. Select "Proceed" once option is chosen.

  • Choose My Personal Records to view your health record.
  • Choose MyAHS Connect if you have a Connect Care account. It's meant for specific people who have records with Alberta Health Services (AHS). Make sure to ask your healthcare provider if this option is relevant to you.

Your Dashboard provides access to your account settings, account verification, notifications, support and the ability to Sign Out.

My Personal Records
MyAHS Connect
Account Settings
Identity Verification
Sign Out

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