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Recommended vaccines

Learn about Alberta’s routine immunization schedule and other recommended vaccines.

Stay healthy during the influenza season

immunization influenza season

Influenza immunization is the best way to protect yourself and the people around you against influenza.

COVID-19 immunization is also available. It’s safe to receive both the COVID-19 and influenza vaccine at the same time.

Vaccines recommended by age

Immunization (getting a vaccine) is one of the best ways to protect yourself, your family, and the people around you from certain serious diseases. Some vaccines protect for life, and others need to be repeated with a booster dose.

Alberta’s routine immunization schedule gives you and your child the best possible protection, because you will get vaccines at the most effective ages and stages. This builds immunity that lasts.

Use the tabs above to view the schedule by age or stage, or see the full schedule at a glance.

It’s important to follow the immunization schedule. If you or your child has a medical condition and a doctor has recommended you follow a different schedule, or if you have questions about the routine schedule, talk to your healthcare provider or call Health Link at 811.

If you or your child misses a scheduled vaccine, book an appointment as soon as you can. It’s never too late to catch up.

Travel, pregnancy and immunization

Other times to get immunized

You may need more or different vaccines if you are new to Alberta or because of work, school, travel, a health condition, or pregnancy.

Check with your healthcare provider to find out if you need any other vaccines and if they are free for you.

Learn more about:

Current as of: July 1, 2024
Author: Provincial Immunization Program, Alberta Health Services
Our work takes place on historical and contemporary Indigenous lands, including the territories of Treaty 6, Treaty 7 & Treaty 8 and the homeland of the Métis Nation of Alberta and 8 Métis Settlements. We also acknowledge the many Indigenous communities that have been forged in urban centres across Alberta.