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Staying Active

Fun activities for you and your family

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Sometimes all it takes is one good idea to get you to be active. Here are lots of ideas for you to try with your family. 

Choose activities that you think will be fun. Do activities as a family or let your children bring friends with them. Taking part in activities like these can help you be a good role model for your child. 

Try something new that you've never tried before, but always think about your abilities and level of fitness before you do. If you have any questions or concerns, talk to your healthcare provider. Starting slowly is safe for most people.

Activities you can do outside


  • play in the snow: build a snow person, or make snow angels
  • go tobogganing
  • go skating
  • try cross-country skiing


  • rake leaves and take turns jumping into the pile
  • go to an open field and fly a kite

Spring and summer​

  • plant a garden and let everyone have their own special section
  • run through the sprinkler or play catch
  • go on a weekly active outing to the park or for a walk with neighbours
  • go for a bike ride—make sure to wear helmets
  • play hacky-sack, hopscotch, basketball, volleyball, tennis, or baseball
  • go hiking, camping, or swimming

Activities for any season

  • go for a walk or to a park in your neighbourhood and play Frisbee
  • plan a family road trip and bring a soccer ball or baseball to use on the way or when you get to your destination
  • walk at night and look for stars
  • go swimming indoors
  • go bowling or skating
  • go for a walk in a mall
  • visit a museum or indoor playground​

Staying active when you're on the go

Sometimes people get busy and it’s hard to fit activity in. If that happens to you, try these ways to be more active:

  • organize a “walking school bus” and have parents take turns walking children to school
  • take the stairs whenever you can and park your car at the back of the parking lot to walk more
  • park your car at the back of the parking lot to walk more
  • get off the bus 2 stops early and walk home
  • walk or bike to do errands, or park in a central location and walk from place to place
  • volunteer to help your child’s sports team with warm-ups or social events
  • make time for active play, just like you schedule time for homework
  • carry groceries instead of using a shopping cart

Family games

  • play hide and seek, tag, charades, or "Simon says"
  • make a family scavenger hunt
  • organize neighbourhood games and play parents against children
  • pass the remote and whoever is holding it during commercials has to lead a family exercise break
  • have fun with pretend play: play house, build a fort, or put on a show
  • play outdoor games like bocce ball, badminton, or croquet

Around the house

  • make an obstacle course and keep a chart with everyone's times
  • ​​​​make commercial breaks active while you’re watching TV: run on the spot, do push-ups and sit-ups, stretch, play catch with a foam ball, or see who can do the most jumping jacks
  • do household chores like vacuuming or laundry—give everyone a task and listen to music while you work
  • plan a walk every day after supper and keep track of everyone’s steps on a chart
  • exercise with fitness videos, apps, or TV shows like yoga or aerobics
  • watch a show as a family and for every hour you watch, be active for an hour
  • wash your vehicles or clean up the yard

Being active in your community

  • try classes at a recreation centre or fitness facility
  • encourage your children to be active during recess, at lunch, and after school
  • encourage your children to try doing team sports—being part of a team is more important than winning
  • plan a family game in your neighbourhood
  • start a "family health club" that does an activity like biking, swimming, or floor hockey once a week in your community
  • volunteer for clean-up events and community gardens
  • be "snow angels" and shovel snow off of driveways and sidewalks in your neighbourhood
  • train and fundraise for a charity walk or run

Current as of: April 10, 2024

Author: Physical Activity and Sun Safety, Alberta Health Services