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Intensive Care: A Guide for You and Your Family

When you get home

At home you’ll be doing a lot more on your own with only your family to help you. This can be a difficult time for you and your fa​mily. You may begin to feel frustrated or depressed because you’re not getting better as fast as you’d like. This is normal. Set small goals every day. You can track your progress as you recover, and you’ll st​art to notice the small changes that show you’re improving.

When to call the doctor

Call or talk to your family doctor if you:

  • need more support
  • have symptoms that you’re worried about
  • have questions about anything to do with your health

A small goal you could try is make a drink for yourself, or walk a few steps more without needing to rest. Don’t push yourself too hard. Doing too much too soon may make your recovery take longer.

When you’ve been critically ill, you may not have much energy. You may notice you feel very tired. It will take time before you feel well enough to return to your usual everyday life. It may take many more months to get back to your full strength.

If you’ve had surgery, follow your surgeon’s instructions. Your body will tell you if it’s getting tired or is in pain. If you feel unwell or get out of breath, stop what you’re doing and rest.

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