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Intensive Care: A Guide for You and Your Family

This information has been developed by people who have been treated in an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) or are close family of someone who has. This guide has been reviewed by a wide variety of intensive care professionals and adapted for use in Alberta Intensive Care Units. Most of this information is written for you, the patient, but there is a section for your family and visitors. By reading this guide, you and your family will learn what your time in the ICU and recovery may involve. It will help give you and your loved ones some answers to questions you may have.

Information for Friends and Family

Friends and family can learn about what to expect and how they can help when a loved one is in the ICU.

Leaving the ICU

As you start to get better, you won't need the same level of close monitoring and many of the machines that were used while you were in the ICU. Learn about what you can expect when you move to a general care area in the hospital.

Information for Patients

Learn about what you may experience in the ICU. Find out about the team who will be involved in your care and recovery.

Going Home

Leaving the hospital and going home is a big step in your recovery. Find out what you can expect during this part of your journey to recovery.