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How to Start Being Active

Getting Ready for Positive Changes

​​​​​​​Are you ready to make a positive change in your life? It doesn’t have to start with a New Year’s resolution—you can start today.

Are You Ready?

If you’re ready to be more active, talk to your healthcare provider before you start any new activity.

Start Small

Adding more activity to your life might seem over whelming. It helps to start small. Start by making one lifestyle change that helps you move more regularly at an effort level that matches your current condition. It's best to set realistic goals that you can measure and achieve. Try using the SMART Method to help plan your activity.

Try One Step at a Time

Walking is a great way to be active. To help get into the habit of walking, try wearing a pedometer for a day or even a week. At the start, you might be surprised to see how few steps you actually take each day. To boost your daily step count, make simple changes in your daily routines like:

  • park a few blocks away from work and walk
  • take stairs instead of escalators or elevators
  • walk in your neighbourhood before or after supper. Start with short walks and slowly increase the distance. Set new goals when you’re ready.

Look for Support

Ask family members, friends, or co-workers to support and encourage you. Think about inviting others to join you. Choose activities you enjoy doing—this will help you stay motivated. For example, walk regularly with friends or try a fitness program or recreation activity in your community or at a fitness facility. To keep you motivated or for extra support, think about hiring a certified exercise professional or exercise physiologist.

Whatever your physical activity goals are, you can start small and you can start today.

Current as of: October 24, 2018

Author: Chronic Disease Prevention, Alberta Health Services