Written list
Knowing when, how, and why you take medicine is important for safety.
The Alberta Health Services Medication List (below) can help you and your family keep track of everything you take to keep you healthy, such as pills, vitamins, and herbs.
When you see your doctor or pharmacist, have a medical appointment or test, or go to the hospital or emergency room, take your list with you.
Medication list (letter size)
Download this letter-sized template.
translated versions at the end of this page.
Medication list (wallet size)
Download this smaller wallet-sized template.
Mobile application
You can download the MyMedRec app to your
Android or
Apple mobile device.
The app lets you:
- keep track of the medicine that you or your family take
- create profiles for other people
- get reminders for when to take a medicine or when a refill is due
- email up-to-date health information to your doctor or family
The MyMedRec app is maintained by a third party. MyHealth.Alberta.ca doesn’t endorse and is not responsible for the content or accuracy of this app.
Medicine schedule
Daily Medicine Schedule form can help remind you when to take your medicines. Post this sheet where you can see it, such as near your medicine cabinet, the place you store your medicines, or on your refrigerator.
Questions to ask about new medicines
When your doctor recommends a new medicine for your health condition, use the questions included in the
New Medicines: Questions to Ask the Doctor list to make sure it’s safe for you.