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Having a Knee Replacement

Exercises to help you recover - Phase 2 exercises

Generally, you will begin doing phase 2 exercises 6 weeks after surgery, after you have seen your surgeon or physiotherapist. This allows for normal healing after surgery.

Exercise is important after surgery to make your new knee stronger and more flexible and to help prevent blood clots. The exercises may feel uncomfortable at first, but exercising will help you to get back to your everyday activities sooner.

Your healthcare team may suggest you add some or all of these exercises to the ones you were doing before surgery. Your healthcare team will tell you how often to do the exercises, how many times to repeat each exercise, and how much force or pressure you can put on your new knee.

It is important to do these exercises on your surgical leg. If you are able, you can do the exercises on both legs. Do them slowly and with control. Make sure not to force your new knee into a position that causes you pain or discomfort.

Use a chair with armrests if you need to use your arms while you build up strength in your legs. Use a pillow to raise the seat level if it is too low.

Credit: All images on this page belong to the Bone and Joint Health Strategic Clinical Network, Alberta Health Services.​​

For more information on physiotherapy services in Alberta go to Physiotherapy Services.​

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