
Main Content

Intermittent Self-Catheterization (Female)

Section 1: Checkpoint


1. True or false? Urinary​ retention is always considered normal.

The correct answer is FALSE.

That's right! While some urine (pee) is left in the bladder after you void (pee) on your own, that is not urinary retention.

Urinary retention means that there is a large amount of urine left and it happens many times when you void. Urinary retention is a problem.

2. Which of the following is the best fluid to drink?

The correct answer is C.Orange juice is acidic and can irritate your bladder. Water is the best choice.


The correct answer is C.Coffee has caffeine in it that can irritate your bladder. Water is the best choice.


That's right!


The correct answer is C.Tomato juice can irritate your bladder. Water is the best choice.


The correct answer is C.Green tea has caffeine in it that can irritate your bladder. Water is the best choice. ​​​​