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Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls

Foot care

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Foot problems—such as sore feet or poor nail care—can change the way you walk. So can shoes that don’t fit properly or support your feet.

Taking care of your feet and wearing the right shoes are important to prevent falls.

Foot care tips

  • Check your feet often for corns, calluses, bunions, open sores, dry skin, and thickened nails. This is especially important if you have diabetes. If you need help, ask your healthcare provider to check your feet for you.
  • See a healthcare provider that specializes in feet, such as a podiatrist, or go to a foot clinic. They can help you with foot pain, give you information about foot and nail care, and give you foot exercises for pain and stiffness.
  • If you like to soak your feet, do not soak them for more than 10 minutes. Soaking too long will dry your feet out. Do not soak your feet if you have diabetes.
  • Dry your feet completely after washing. Apply cream or lotion to moisturize. Use cotton socks if your feet sweat a lot.

Learn more about risk factors for falling.


Current as of: May 30, 2024

Author: Fall Risk Management Program