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Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls

About falls

​​​​A fall is when you slip, trip, or fall suddenly onto the ground or floor. It may or may not cause an injury. A fall can happen to anyone, anywhere—in your home, in the community, or in a hospital.

Falls are the leading cause of serious injuries in older adults. People over age 65 have 9 times more fall injuries than people under 65. And of all nursing home admissions, 40% are because of complications from a fall.

You might think falls are a normal part of aging, but they are not. You can prevent falls, and there are many things you can do to stay mobile and independent.

Continue reading to learn what you can do to prevent a fall and stay independent.

For falls-prevention resources, as well as resources for being active and eating well, see the Resources topic.​

Current as of: May 30, 2024

Author: Fall Risk Management Program