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Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls

Helping someone get up

​​If someone has fallen, and they are in a care facility, call the staff for help right away.

If the person is not in a care facility, don’t hurry. Calm yourself and the person before you try to help. Then carefully check the person for injuries.

If they are injured and need emergency help, call 911. Keep the person warm and comfortable, and stay with them until help arrives.

If the person is not badly injured and thinks they can get up, get 2 sturdy chairs. Place 1 near their head and 1 near their feet. Then do the following:

1. It is important that the fallen person does the work.


2. The helper should only guide lightly, helping the person to roll onto their side.


3. Help the person to kneel. Place 1 chair in front of the person.


4. Ask the person to lean on the seat of the chair and bring 1 leg forward. Put that foot on the floor.


5. Place a second chair behind the person. Ask them to push up with their arms and legs, then sit back in the chair behind them. Guide them onto the seat. Do not lift them.


​Images and accompanying text reproduced with permission: “Don’t fall for it. Falls can be prevented!" State Government of South Australia. 2004. Copyright Commonwealth of Australia.

Always call the person’s healthcare provider to let them know about the fall.

Learn more about risk factors for falling.​

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Current as of: May 30, 2024

Author: Fall Risk Management Program