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Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls

Eating well

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Healthy eating (video) can make you look, feel, and perform better. Choosing the right amount and type of food will give you the energy you need to be healthy and strong. It also cuts your risks for many illnesses, such as:

  • Osteoporosis, which is when your bones are weak. Weak bones break more easily if you fall.
  • Diabetes, which needs careful blood glucose (sugar) management and can put you at higher risk of falling.

Missing meals can affect your balance and strength. Eat regular meals and snacks during the day. Check Canada's Food Guide to learn more about eating a variety of healthy foods each day.

Calcium and vitamin D

Getting enough calcium and vitamin D is important, because people who don’t get enough have a higher change of having thin and brittle bones that break easily. Your body needs calcium to help keep bones strong, and vitamin D helps you absorb calcium.

To learn more about calcium and vitamin D, including how much you need each day and what foods can help you get enough, go to Getting Enough Calcium and Vitamin D.

If you have questions about calcium and vitamin D or healthy eating and nutrition, talk to your healthcare provider or a registered dietitian.

Learn more about risk factors for falling.


Current as of: May 30, 2024

Author: Fall Risk Management Program