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Changes in perception

Body movements

After a brain injury, you may have trouble with a body movement, even though your muscle strength, balance, and feeling (sensation) are normal. This is called apraxia.

When you have apraxia, you know and understand what you want to do. But you can’t carry out the movements to do it or don’t use things the right way. This means you may have trouble:

  • writing
  • folding towels
  • putting a letter into an envelope
  • putting a belt through the belt loops
  • using cutlery (forks, spoons, and knives)
  • putting clothes on in the right order and on the right body part
  • knowing the front and back of clothing
  • telling the difference between a toothbrush and a hair brush and what to do with them

Tips for family and caregivers

  • Have them practice writing something they know, like their name.
  • Have them look for the labels on clothing to tell the back from the front.
  • Put your hand over theirs to show them how to do a task.
  • Keep things in the same place at all times.
  • When using a belt, have them put the belt through the loops before they dress.
  • Be supportive. Explain what’s happening and let them know you understand this must be hard for them.​

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