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Car Seats

Preterm or low birth weight babies and rear-facing car seats

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If you have a preterm or low birth weight baby, take extra care to choose a car seat that's right for a preterm or low birth weight baby. Use it for every ride. 

If you are not sure if your baby is preterm or low birth weight, talk to your healthcare provider.

Make every ride a safe ride for your baby. Use the Rear-Facing Car Seat YES Test for your preterm or low birth weight baby's car seat, adding the checkpoints below as you choose, install, and use the car seat.

Getting ready

Rear Facing Child Safety Seat With Seat Belt 

To fit my baby's small size, I make sure:

  • The car seat's lowest shoulder harness slots are less than 25 cm (10 inches) from the bottom of the seat.
  • The slot for the crotch strap is less than 14 cm (5.5 inches) from the back of the seat.
  • Rear Facing Child Safety Seat Base Belt 

​Buckling my small baby in the car seat

  • My baby's buttocks and back are flat against the back of the car seat.
  • If my baby needs help staying in the centre of the car seat, I place a small, rolled-up receiving blanket or towel on either side of their body.
  • If my baby slides down in the seat, I call the car seat manufacturer to find out if I can place a small, rolled-up receiving blanket or towel between my baby’s legs and the crotch strap.

Being safe

  • My baby uses the car seat for travel only.
  • When we get where we’re going, I take my baby out of the car seat.
  • My baby lays flat in the stroller and other baby equipment.

Remember: Use the Rear-Facing Car Seat YES Test to help you properly install the rear-facing car seat in your vehicle and buckle your child up correctly every time.

For more information, visit Healthy Parents, Healthy Children or call Health Link at 811​​.

Current as of: May 15, 2023

Author: Provincial Injury Prevention, Alberta Health Services