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Your Best Health: Adult Weight Management

Ready, set, move

Is moving everyday something you're ready to commit to?

Think about the type of activities you'd like to start with. Click on the tabs below to learn more.​​

If this is an a​​rea that's a priority for you and you're ready to make a change, check off one or two items you want to set a SMART goal around.

Remember, setting too many goals can make you feel like there’s just too much going on. Think about your goals, what’s going on in your life right now, and other priorities you have. With this in mind you can decide what goals you want to set as you work through this learning module. Depending on what’s happening in your life you may be able to work on one goal or a few smaller goals at the same time. That’s OK. One small step at a time is still progress.​

Something to ask yourself...​​​

If you’d like to write down your thoughts or if you’d like to save the blank form, go to your reflection journal.

Roadblocks are a normal part of change and need to be part of the plan:

CardioResistanceFlexibilityPlanMonitor ProgressSupport


Here are some ideas of what you can do to get more active and to get your heart rate up. Which ones would you like to try?



Here are some ideas of movement that help keep your muscles strong. Which ones would you like to try? ​.



These activities help you bend and stretch. Being flexible is important to keep you moving and for those everyday things like picking up something you dropped. Which of these would you like to try?


Set your plan

Make a plan with the details of how you'll make an activity happen this month. Here are some questions to get you started:

  • When am I going to do it (time of day)?
  • How often will I do it (how many days of the week)?
  • For how long will I do it (how long is each activity session)?
  • Who can help keep me stick to my plan?
  • How will I track or measure the results?

Remember: If you’re feeling like you’ve got too many things to deal with or think about, try taking smaller steps when getting started.

Monitor progress

Use tools to help build your skills, track your progress, and keep you motivated.

Tracking activity (using a pedometer or activity journal) helps people stay committed to their activity goals. Staying committed to your activity goals will help you get and keep the health benefits you’re looking for. For example keeping off any of the weight you’ve lost.

Check off the tools you could use to help keep track of your activity. Which of these would work for you?



You can come back as often as you want to this learning module. It’s a good way to review the information and try new ways of doing things.

There’s a lot to think about and change isn’t easy. Even athletes need lots of support, coaching, and repetition to help them stay on track and make progress.

Don’t do this alone. Use the supports you have around you that can help you with your choices.

  • Talk to your family doctor or healthcare provider about this learning module and your health choices.
  • Talk about your goals with trusted friends, family, or people you work with. Some people even post their goals on social media. Only do this if you feel comfortable.

Encouragement can come from many places and you may end up helping inspire someone else. Go to the Resources section to find some ideas of help that may work for you.

Most of us, swimming against the tides of trouble the world knows nothing about, need only a bit of praise or encouragement —and we will make the goal.Jerome Fleishman